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More about Secrets…

More about Secrets…

Get ready to challenge the way you see God. And the way you think He sees you… Do you feel broken, lost… is your life shattered into a thousand pieces, and you have no idea how to put it all back together? Are you yearning for fresh clay, and a new start? You’re not alone. God is the Great Potter, and through his loving hands, you will discover the secrets of broken pottery, and the strength he has hidden within all of us. In Secrets of Broken Pottery, author Heidi McKendrick strips away the illusions we’ve created around Biblical heroes and presents them in a realistic light, through tales of pitifully broken potteries. This book reaffirms that the Great Potter remains faithful even if we don’t. Heidi has conducted hundreds of workshops and seminars on grace-filled topics of brokenness for NGO organizations, churches, seminaries, and universities. Now, she brings that same passion to readers all around the world.

None of your broken pieces are wasted! Read Secrets of Broken Pottery, and discover the blessings in your brokenness today! 

The first part of the book introduces broken potteries, reflecting on the reasons for their hurt. Sometimes we break our pottery ourselves, but often, it is by others either accidentally or intentionally. It can also be a force majeure, something that can happen to anyone. The second part tells stories of broken potteries in the Bible. These stories reflect our life struggles and blessings and they celebrate the Great Potter. Every pot is precious, broken or not, the Great Potter never wastes His clay! The third part of explores the twenty secrets of broken potteries for all of us broken containers to reflect on – inviting a spiritual discovery, growth, and healing.  Immersing in these secrets will assist you in ridding yourself of any false images you may have about God. The final part discusses the process of restoration – or as much as is possible on this side of eternity.We all wear scars- but so does the Great Potter. His Light radiates through the cracks of your brokenness.

The main concept of this book conveys the framework of Christian Pastoral Care. It is targeted for Christian potteries broken because of life’s labours and painful blows -many because of their traumatizing experiences in legalistic and spiritually abusive church communities. The message emphasizes the Great Potter’s revulsion of the tarnishing of His name through the abuse perpetrated by so many religious organizations.

Allow the Great Potter to reveal what He sees when He sees you Maybe – you’ve had a wrong impression of Him all along?