Secrets of Broken Pottery: Seeing the Great Potter — Being Seen by Him, by Heidi McKendrick. Katamerismoú Publishing, 2021. 520 pages. Reviewed by Tuomo Läntelä.
Secrets of Broken Pottery: Seeing the Great Potter — Being Seen by Him, by Heidi McKendrick echoes the loving heartbeat of the Good Shepherd, the Great Potter Himself. Ultimately, the Great Potter will do away with all suffering, pain, and injustice. Meanwhile, bad things can happen to anyone and we may find ourselves sitting on the ashes of our broken pottery and burned dreams. The author argues that no matter what the reason for our broken clay pottery is, the Great Potter does not only allow it, but He is aware of it and remains in control. This is demonstrated in the lives of several biblical characters who were mistreated, humiliated, betrayed, and left alone just like any of us. Just like them, if we destroy our pottery by ourselves, it does not lessen His love and care. If our pottery is smashed by others – intentionally or unintentionally, the Great Potter will seek every piece of it, place them on His table and make all new by His creative love and care.
McKendrick carries the biblical examples even deeper. She underlines the unconditional love of the Great Potter as she reveals how sometimes the great names and heroes of the Bible, such as Abraham, Jacob, and David, are the ones smashing their neighbor’s pottery. The Great Potter does not forsake them, as they surely would deserve, but brings out His glory in their lives – even if we are faithless, He remains faithful.
The way the author analyzes the biblical characters’ behavior and feelings is overwhelmingly impressive and unique. The reader finds it easy to empathize with Mary the mother of Jesus as she helplessly watches the soldiers beating her son, and with the adulterous woman who hears no condemnation from Jesus, and with the woman who is liberated as she weeps at the feet of Jesus and with Peter who denies Jesus and is forgiven and with Paul, the pharisee, as he meets the Great Potter on the road to Damascus. The goodness and grace of the omnipotent Great Potter reaches the reader’s own broken pottery as he identifies with the biblical characters.
Heidi McKendrick invites her readers to the path of spiritual discovery, growth, and healing by sharing twenty secrets of broken potteries. Reading the lines of the book is like sitting on the Great Potter’s lap and listening to His calming voice as He unveils the treasure, we all carry within us – the loving, caring, and gracious Great Potter himself. He accepts us as we are. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it, we are His children and He is in control all the way until our pottery will be whole forever.
The book is a unique integration of theological and therapeutic expertise and professionalism with a clear and empowering message. The author shares apostle Paul’s concern about the legalistic influencers in the church and invites the sun of grace shine upon the reader’s broken pottery. It is like studying the second chapter of Colossians at the school of the Great Potter.
It is my pleasure to recommend the book to every Christian who feels like a broken pottery – and who doesn’t? The book is a rich source and an excellent study material for pastoral counselling and Bible schools.